Tuesday, June 23, 2009


So... today i went to the park (which isn't really a park, it's an elementary school playground), i went with some of my best friends (which all but one with them are also thespians), so it's always fun when you get about 8 drama people together... there are always laughs. After the park (which we stayed there for like 2 min.s). We went to one of my friends apartment, and decided to go swimming, ok all 8 of us got changed into our swim wear and we went out to the pool, and this stupid copper came out and said "this is a resident only pool... if you want to bring ONE guest you can go to the front pool (and she (not the copper, the friend whose apartment it was) was the only one who lived there)". Well we all got pretty pissed at that, so we went to the front pool and there wasn't anyone up there saying we couldn't swim, so we swam.
For a couple of hours.....
But all night it was so funny ok (without saying names...) guys #1 was getting mad at guy #2 becasue he had his hands (and legs) all over girl #1. At one point guy #2 hugged said girl with his legs and made her fall into him... (which was funny btw), and then guy #2 also had his hand all over said girls bra strap... which would have infuriated guy #1 if he was that at that paticular moment....
We were all tired and giddy... and had a blast. But unfortunately one of the guys kinda beat up his truck, but he is fine.... thats all that matters....

Monday, June 22, 2009


Well another exciting day.. haha not really but it wasn't that bad so far....
Today i went to the dentist and i got my teeth cleaned, i didn't really like the lady who did them though, I've never gone to the dentist and come out saying i don't want to go again (she was like poking and prodding at my gums, it hurt.) But now my teeth are looking alot white than they were which is a good thing...and i'm soo ready to get my braces off...i'm going to be a senior this coming year...and i'm going to have them for my senior pictures which sucks (but what can i do), my only hope is that i get them off before graduation (i'm so excited for too, btw, haha).
I then went shopping with one of my best friends... that was alot funner than i thought it was going to be, but i must say, pretty much anything with her isn't going to be boring. Shes one of those people that everyone wants to know, and be friends with, and shes always so nice to everyone...(i love her). But at the mall (thats where we went) she ran into a corner she almost tripped and fell on her face, laughed at my lame joke becasue i thought it was funny (even though she tried not to but i saw it ;) lol)
But i didn't realize how much my friends mean to me, i wouldn't be where i am without them. I have one who cares more about other people than anyone i know, one who is always the life of the party, one who is the father figure that watches and will always with out a doubt take care of us, the one who is most like me (with the beautiful blue eyes, and takeing everything to heart), the one who always cries when she laughs....and these are the people i love...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Night Out with the Gang...

Well tonight i went to see a movie with 5 other girls (3 of them are my besties), we went and saw The Proposal with Sandra Bullock, this movies was very good i recommend it for anyone who was thinking of going to see it. It has a lot of elements in it, it's mainly a comedy, but there were some dramatic points.
After the Movie all but one of us decided to go to sonic and call up some boys. Well of course these boys just graduated (what like a month ago or so). Well they had to say "oh were college men now" and those 2 boys are some of the smartest people i know, one of them was the valedictorian and the other was 3rd in his class, (sadly to say i will be NO WHERE near that), but i love them boys. but anyway we were a sonic 5 girls and 2 guys, it was quite hilarious, but then one of those cops who just sits there and watches...(kinda creepy) came up to use and asked us to move our cars (which of course we had 5 cars, so that was a pain), so we just decided to leave sonic and go to Burger King, so we just kinda sat in of those guys' truck in the parking lot (at this point 2 girls left, so 3 girls, 2 guys at the Burger king parking lot, at like 10:00-11:30, just sitting out there talking), but it was blast especially since where i live the only thing the teenagers can really do are going to the movies, chill at sonic (or some other fast food shop) or go bowling.... that is it. If it was my choice we'd be clubbing but 1 i'm too young and 2 one one else would be up for it, so yes this was my night....
Oh and when i got home about 11:40, my mother and my 8-year old little sister were out in the pool...i thought that funny.. so i thought i'd mention it... well yes that was pretty much the end of my night, well i guess it's morning now....

Thursday, June 18, 2009

First Time...

Well this is my first time blogging, i've had a lot of them but i never really kept up with them, hopefully this one will be different, haha.
My Day
Well i didn't really do much, a pretty boring day, but sometimes i like just be lazy, it's nice to relax sometimes, which i can't really do with school.
Well i'm going to be a senior this coming year, i'me very excited, only one year left of the stupid repeated days and teachers and hours, i will be glad to be rid of it all.